Life Lessons: Process Your Thoughts

What is ONE lesson you've learned this week?

Big or small, business or personal.... ??

I'll go first.

Process your thoughts.

Have you ever felt like your thoughts are piling up, like that stack of mail on your kitchen table that keeps growing and growing and growing?

If you don't sort the mail and throw away the junk mail, it piles up fast and becomes overwhelming.

When overwhelm hits, it's hard to break it all down because now it's just one big ugly ball of overwhelming junk.

What "junk mail" thoughts do you need to get rid of?

What is most important to you? Answering this will help you decide what thoughts are junk and what are worth keeping.

  • Keep a journal. Write out your thoughts at night or in the morning - to get them out of your head. This is a great way to process your thoughts.

  • Get Creative. Draw a picture. Color. Do a puzzle. Listen to music. Play music. Let your thoughts go through a creative act to find harmony.

  • Go for a walk. When you move your body, you get the blood flowing, and your brain makes new connections.

A clear mind starts with getting rid of the junk in your life.

Jessica Lewis

Jessica is a voiceover artist, leadership coach, entrepreneur, and hobby macro photographer.

Most importantly, she’s a wife & mom of 3, living a simple, beautiful life in northwest Pennsylvania.

Botanical Beauty: Phipps Conservatory Pittsburgh, PA


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